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KUNST#TAG 088 | Artist Talk

Artist Talk with Rebkka Bauer and guests in the framework of the exhibition Focus Freising 2 | Rebekka Bauer: Die Aufstellung (The Compilation)


KUNST#TAG 088 | Artist Talk

Sunday, 15 January 2023, 4 pm
KUNST#TAG 088 | Artist Talk
as part of the exhibition Focus Freising 2 | Rebekka Bauer: Die Aufstellung (The Compilation)

  • Rebekka Bauer, artist & guests
  • Eike Berg, director
Participation in the artist talk and the use of the shuttle service is free of charge.
Shuttle service from Freising station: 3.55 pm; return: 6 pm

At KUNST#TAG 088 the installation of the Freisinger artist Rebekka Bauer is the center of attention.
The artist's work takes as its starting point an archive of 550 metal objects that her grandfather, a former member of the Wehrmacht, created over several decades in the basement of their shared home in Freising, Germany. The objects, hundreds of candleholders assembled in a whimsical array of turned metals and everyday objects such as faucets or metal springs, become bearers of trauma within the artisanal practice.


More about the exhibition

Rebekka Bauer: Die Aufstellung
10.12.2022 - 05.02.2023
The installation DIE AUFSTELLUNG (THE COMPILATION) with 550 metal objects and photographs from the family archive addresses the transmission of traumas of World War 2. ... Weiter



Sommer (März-Okt)
Di - Sa 14-19 Uhr
So + Feiertage 10-19 Uhr

Winter (Nov-Feb)
Di - Sa 14-18 Uhr
So + Feiertage 10-18 Uhr
... weiterlesen

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Zum Herunterladen: PDF 10 MB


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